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Divorce and Family Finance

When a couple divorces the Court can redistribute their assets between them. The law sets out a list of factors the Court must consider, and determining how to meet the needs of the parties and any children they have is a key part of the decision making process. I can help you understand how the Court will view your case, and identify arguments you can make to achieve a better outcome. Whether I represent you at a first hearing, a Financial Dispute Resolution, or a final hearing, I can advise you what steps to take so that we present your case at it strongest.

When an unmarried couple separates disputes about their property are often a matter of civil law, not family law. I am experienced with civil procedure and the different actions you will need to take, and I can prepare the important documents for you. Civil litigation often carries a higher risk of being made to pay the other side's costs if the rules are not followed or a party fails to accept a good settlement offer. I can provide early advice so you understand how strong your case is and what to do at each stage of the litigation to maximise the prospect of a successful outcome. These cases often turn on a Judge's decision about disputed facts from long ago; expert cross examination can be crucial to success at a final hearing.

Judge's Table
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